في إطار احتفالات رأس السنة، نظم مجموعة من الشباب المتطوع فى لوس أنجلوس مائدة عيد الميلاد السنوية للمشردين المنتشرين فى المدينة، وشارك فى إعداد المائدة عدد من المشاهير فى مدينة لوس أنجلوس ومن بينهم ملكة جمال لوس أنجلوس.

وتزايدت أعداد المشردين فى مقاطعة لوس أنجلوس بنسب كبيرة على مدى الأعوام السابقة

Volunteers, including Bonjon Shon wearing a Santa hat, serve a Christmas meal to the homeless organized by the Los Angeles Mission on December 22, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless populations.
The Los Angeles Mission was established in 1936 as a soup kitchen and Christian outreach to homeless men on Skid Row, but the population of homeless in the nation’s second largest city now include families, women and children. / AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN
Bonjon Shon, wearing a Santa hat, volunteers as a server at the Los Angeles Mission’s annual Christmas meal for the homeless on December 22, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless populations.
The Los Angeles Mission was established in 1936 as a soup kitchen and Christian outreach to homeless men on Skid Row, but the population of homeless in the nation’s second largest city now include families, women and children. / AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN
A volunteer wearing a Santa hat helps a child with his meal as the Los Angeles Mission hosts its annual Christmas meal for the homeless on December 22, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless populations.
The Los Angeles Mission was established in 1936 as a soup kitchen and Christian outreach to homeless men on Skid Row, but the population of homeless in the nation’s second largest city now include families, women and children. / AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN
Volunteers, including Bonjon Shon wearing a Santa hat, serve a Christmas meal to the homeless organized by the Los Angeles Mission on December 22, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless populations.
The Los Angeles Mission was established in 1936 as a soup kitchen and Christian outreach to homeless men on Skid Row, but the population of homeless in the nation’s second largest city now include families, women and children. / AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN
A woman enjoys her Christmas meal served by volunteers to the homeless, organized by the Los Angeles Mission on December 22, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless populations.
The Los Angeles Mission was established in 1936 as a soup kitchen and Christian outreach to homeless men on Skid Row, but the population of homeless in the nation’s second largest city now include families, women and children. / AFP PHOTO / FREDERIC J. BROWN

، وسط تباطؤ التعافى الاقتصادى الذى أدى إلى مزيد من البؤس للسكان الأكثر فقرا فى ثانى أكبر مدينة أمريكية.