وقف المئات من المسيحيين، أمس الأحد بالشموع حدادا على ضحايا انفجار بكنيسة فى أحد المدن فى باكستان، والذي أودى بحياة 9 أشخاص،وإصابة 44 أخرين.

وأرسلت قوات الأمن الباكستانية،تعزيزات إضافية إلى مدينة كويتا.

وذكرت قناة ” جيو ” الباكستانية أن السلطات الباكستانية أقدمت على هذه الخطوة فى إطار تعزيزات أمنية شاملة بعد الحادث تضمنت تشديد الأمن حول الكنائس فى مختلف أنحاء البلاد، بما فى ذلك فى كراتشى ولاهور وحيدر آباد.

وكان تنظيم “داعش” الإرهابى قد أعلن مسئوليته عن الحادث الذى وقع فى وقت سابق اليوم؛ حيث فجر انتحاريان نفسهما داخل كنيسة كويتا بينما يتواجد بها نحو 400 شخص.

Pakistani Christians offer prayers during a mass on the last Sunday before Christmas at the Cathedral in Lahore on December 17, 2017.
At least eight people were killed and 30 wounded when two suicide bombers attacked a church in the Pakistani city of Quetta, during a service on December 17, just over a week before Christmas, police said. / AFP PHOTO / ARIF ALI
Pakistani Christians offer prayers during a mass on the last Sunday before Christmas at the Cathedral in Lahore on December 17, 2017.
At least eight people were killed and 30 wounded when two suicide bombers attacked a church in the Pakistani city of Quetta, during a service on December 17, just over a week before Christmas, police said. / AFP PHOTO / ARIF ALI
TOPSHOT – Pakistani Christians hold banners and lighted candles during a protest in Karachi on December 17, 2017, after a suicide bomber attack on a church in Quetta.
At least eight people were killed and 15 wounded when two suicide bombers attacked a church in Pakistan during a service on December 17, just over a week before Christmas, police said. The attack took place at the Methodist Church in the restive southwestern city of Quetta in Balochistan province. / AFP PHOTO / RIZWAN TABASSUM